What Is IPL Skin Rejuvenation?

IPL, short for intense pulsed light, is a treatment that uses a device to emit light and target specific skin concerns or improve overall facial appearance. The light is absorbed by the pigment and red blood cells in the skin, generating heat that mimics a superficial injury without causing lasting damage. This activates the skin's natural healing processes without harming the delicate tissue.

IPL therapy promotes the production of skin-firming proteins like collagen and elastin, which reduces the effects of collagen loss related to aging. It also breaks down dark pigments in age spots and freckles, leading to a more even skin tone.

Unlike conventional medical lasers, IPL treatments use broad-spectrum light with various wavelengths, allowing specialists to customize the treatment for specific skin conditions. This versatile procedure can address multiple issues at once or focus on a single concern.

Conditions Treated:

  • Rosacea

  • Fine lines and wrikles

  • Epidermal melasma (dark spots on the skin)

  • Folliculitis (ingrown hair)

  • Englarged pores

  • Acne and acne scars

  • Sun damaged skin

  • Spider veins

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Broken capillaries

Skin Rejuvenation Pricing

Full Face IPL Photofacial (30 minutes) - $110

Full Face IPL Photofacial package of 3 (30 minutes each) - $210

Please note:

·         laser services cannot be performed on women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive.

·         bikini laser services will not be performed on menstruating clients.

IPL Therapy Side Effects

Most people have minimal discomfort and heal quickly after IPL treatment. You'll likely have some redness, which can last between an hour to a few days. Patients rarely experience swelling.

Other possible, but less common side effects of IPL therapy include:

  • Blistering

  • Bruising

  • Changes to skin color (usually short term)

  • Crusting